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FTECU Unrestricted map makes bike hard to start Posts: 5Verified User


I flashed my 2016 XSR900 to the official FTECU Unrestricted map and it has some quirks, and they are inconsistent. These are the symptoms: Will take a few seconds to start, will start then die, or will start and idle rough for a few seconds. This is also only when the bike is turned on/off using the IGN key. If turned off through kill switch without IGN turned off, it doesn't have these issues upon startup. CEL also comes on every time the bike is turned on but for only 2 seconds. It's not on long enough for my code reader to read it. Once the bike starts though, there are no issues.

I have flashed it back to the stock US file and disabled AIS valve only as I have block off plates. The bike starts and runs like normal. The check engine light stays on and reads the code P0606 and P062F, which I read happens when it is flashed.

Thanks for any help.


  • Posts: 5Verified User

    Ok, I have more information now. I believe that I had flashed the wrong XSR900 US file into my ECU. Using the proper file (which is B90-8591A-10) I flashed the stock file back in. I am still having the same quirk as before where the check engine light will come on for 2 seconds and then disappear, and the bike will either sputter to start or rough idle once started. Could flashing the wrong US file be the issue?

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User
    edited March 2021

    Flash the correct stock file, then cycle the ignition twice (turn the key on but don't start the engine, listen for the various valve motors and the fuel pump to finish their cycle, then turn key off). Then try starting the bike.

  • Posts: 5Verified User

    I have done as you suggested and it still persisted. I have since put the AIS valve back on and plugged in as well as flashed it with the correct stock ecu file. No change. I also checked for loose connections between the pins and they are all snug. I have also checked to make sure the harness is installed properly and it is.

    And just for clarification again; The bike will run normally. The issue is that when starting, I have to hold the starter down for 3-4 seconds, and it will fire, die, fire, and then idle, with the occasional dying twice and rough idle before smoothing out. The CEL also comes on when the IGN is turned on, but for only 2 seconds.

    Is it possible that this is a residual issue from flashing it with the incorrect US file?

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    I get the same issue but I definitely used the correct file to flash my bike

  • Posts: 5Verified User

    Do you really? Is it with CEL or the hard start? Both?

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    I'm not sure what a cel is but it's usually from a cold start

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User

    Search online on how to read error codes on your dash, and see if you can pull up the code that triggered the CEL.

  • Posts: 1Verified User

    Has anyone found a fix for this? My XSR900 exhibits the hard to start symptom, but only once the bike is warm. I don't get any error codes though. On a cold start, it fires right up. If I ride, then turn it off to refuel, go into a store briefly, etc, it does the hard start and hard idle for a few seconds. Almost like it's too rich for the warm start. I don't know enough to manually screw with the fuel map, so I wanted to check in with the forum again.

  • Posts: 9FTECU Dealer
    edited April 2022

    Hi, New here.

    Sorry to bump an old thread but I didnt see a resolution.

    I am experiencing the same issue.

    Bike starts and runs great cold.

    Once warmed up to a certain point it starts then dies immediately. Unless I hold the throttle open.

    This started after flashing the unrestricted map.

    I have revised the settings and adjustments numerous times and cant seem to get the bug out.

    Any resolution to the above issues?

  • Posts: 191Staff User


    What is your ECU part number and what file are you flashing into it? Does it happens with the stock file as well? Are you getting any codes?


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