''waiting for lambda hardware" @ activetune mt09 2015

in FZ / MT 09
i get no afr reading while trying to autotune a 2015 mt09 on the dyno.
''waiting for lambda hardware" keeps being displayed like in the screenshot i made.
to be clear, I recently tuned 2 R1's (2015 model) with the same activetune kit without any problems.
already tried all the things i found on the forum, like removing the sensor from the bike and use butane to see if the sensor responds (with running engine, like suggested) but no luck there. (the heating element of the sensor is working/ sensor is redhot inside)
still a broken sensor??
Let me see if I can try to reproduce your issue here. What ECU part number do you have and which file are you using?
Jason A.
Ecu number is 2DR-8591A-01
I used the matching number unrestricted file and after discussing the problem with mike from veloxracing i also tried the matching number stock file. (same result)
(unfortunately i dont have the r1 present wich i flashed / activetuned recently with succes, otherwise i could rule out if it is a software problem or not)
Hi Jason,
any updates? Customer needs his bike back soon...
I do the best I can here to manage support and other day to day tasks but I will need more than a day to look into this. Please give me a few days here then I should be able to get you an answer.
Jason A.
Hi jason,
i managed to get the 2015 R1 here, wich i recently tuned (last december) , and the problem is the same on this bike. still ''waiting for lambda hardware''
almost certain must be a hardware issue then..
What is the exact file part number you are using for the R1? That one is much easier for me to test I can get it done right away after knowing your part number.
Jason A.
2CR-8591A-00 unrestricted
Yes I don't see an issue with that file and active tune here at the moment so I'm thinking it's hardware based. You are in touch with Mike at Velox racing about getting new hardware correct?
Jason A.
Thanks for your reply, I ordered a new bosch sensor locally(to speed things up), i will let u know if that solves the problem. If not i will get in touch with Mike. Tnx
unfortunately a new sensor did not fix the problem, i will ask Mike at velox if he can send me new hardware .
I did confirm that the active tune worked just fine in that R1 file so it has to be hardware, most likely LAMBDA controller if you already replaced the O2 sensor.
Jason A.
turned out to be a loose wire in the 4p connector from the lambda controller. (under the blue silicon weathercaps)
after i discovered this, i gently pulled the other wires and one other came out with just a little force.
After this i decided to solder all the connectors to the wires, and everything works again since then! :-)
Sorry that happened to you, glad you got it working now though. Cheers!
Jason A.