Okay, I went through the troubleshooting:
Looking at the face of the connector (opposite the side where the wires are inserted), determine where each color wire (there are four: Red, Orange, Yellow, and Black) pin is located. With your bike's ignition key turned off, use the small jumper wire or bent paper clip to jump the Red and Orange wire pins by inserting it into the respective pin locations on the face of the connector. Turn the ignition key on; if you hear your bike's fuel pump priming, that means you have a connection issue with either the Red or Orange wires (or both). Check them carefully to ensure that the pins are seated correctly (all the way into the connector, and that the crimped portions are facing up towards the connector's locking latch).
If you don't hear the fuel pump, then turn the ignition key off, then jumper the Red and Yellow wires. Turn the ignition key on; if you hear the fuel pump priming, then you have an issue with your Yellow wire. Check its connections carefully.
If you don't hear the fuel pump at that stage, take a multimeter and connect the Black and Orange pins. You should see a consistent 5V. Then connect the Black and Yellow pins. Again, you should see a consistent 5V. Anything less, or inconsistent readings, means that you have a problem with your black (ground) wire. Ensure that the eyelet is solidly connected to a metal surface on the frame; it must be metal to metal contact, no paint or clear-coated surfaces will allow a solid ground connection.
All is good there. I formatted my computer with a fresh install of windows 10. The data link cable from USB to connect to bike is not reading in device manager in my computer. Replaced battery in bike and formatted and wiped laptop again with windows 7 , same issue. USB data link cable that plugs into bike side harness not sending sign. Reformatted back to windows 10 fresh install of flash tunes software. No link. I'm suspecting the USB cable died. I have a license already for my ecu, it appears to be just the cable from USB to 6 pin type 11. Long winded post but to summarize , tried on windows 7 and 10 , all other USB cables work on my laptop except the flash tunes one. Tried all 5 USB slots. Did the troubleshooting from ecu to harness. All good. Last thing would be the data link cable. Please tell me I don't have to buy another license to get another USB cable. I will definitely cry. Flash tunes is the best software I have ever used. Surely there is a contingency for cable failure. Please advise.
Hi Mathew,
Can you reach out to me directly?
Yes, sent you a direct message.