Ecu Locked

in GSXR 1000
my ecu has locked up and i have no idea why ... can anyone help me ?!
my ecu has locked up and i have no idea why ... can anyone help me ?!
What is your ECU part number? And the file you were attempting to flash?
At the beginning I used the map of United States, Taylor Racing ... it worked very well for me. Now I put the FtEcu QuickShifter, I wanted to activate the QS mode and it would not let me .. I started loading another map that ended with QS does not activate. Gsxr 1000 2017 My ECU number is .. 32920-17K82 I bought a 2nd license now .. but apparently it does not activate or similar
Please post your comments in the proper section. Moving this thread to the GSXR1000 section...
What was the file you flashed after the Taylor Racing file?
That's the problem right now .. I've gotten some of my location (documents, Flash-Tune, Ecu Images)
ECU Tunner, it is often worse than before ... I've just done everything myself with all my bikes .. only here I did not know that with the Ecu series number so exactly , and my license is limited to my motorcycle ..
We need the file number, please.
My Suzuki Gsxr 1000 2017 I have the Ec now Ec away Ec away Ec away, away, professional, Ec, Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec then Ec then Ec then Ec then Ec then Ec then Ec then Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec Ec In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In In we have free licenses available ...) The map of the Taylormade Racing 32920-17kf2 What I would like to upload .. or the stock would be 32920-17k82
Please let me at least use my stock ecu again .. 32920-17K82 so that i can just put it on a dinamometer dan and get my motorbike finally running ... 😕
The Taylormade Racing GSXR1000 map is no longer available on our database.
We're in the process of researching your issue.
Thank you very much !! I would be very grateful if you can unlock me at least the original map ... so I can go home to my family .. 32920-17K82
What was the file that you said you used to get your bike running again? This may take a while, just FYI.
32920-17K82 would be the original code of my ecu, I could use that for flash my ecu would be enough ..
You stated in an email that you used a Braden PowerTune GSXR file from the User Shared files to successfully flash. Can you use that file temporarily until we get this issue sorted?
the braden powertune is for a 2007-2008 model ... just try if it loads me and IF I LOADED that map successfully ... but I never tried to tear it away that suddenly the entire Ecu burns me ...
Not quite understanding what you're saying now. So you didn't load that file successfully?
If I successfully carry out the 2007-2008 Braden Powertune. Do not try to start my motorcycle, I do not want to risk burning my ECU .. My motorcycle is a 2017 ... Since I did not load the Stock Ecu or others, I thought about trying the Braden Powertune and I charge successfully. . now if I want to return the Stock Ecu to download and send it to the Ecu but does not leave Flash that and says Ecu Locked ..
hello me again, will you be able to solve the problem?
Still in process of being researched/replicated here.
OK thanks. I wait until they let me know for news ...
Hi eddy, got the same problem with 2 ECU, says "ECU locked" when it's going thru "checking ECU" Procedure ... got the problem since August 2019 ... :( i'm waiting for an answer before sending them my ECU to check .... if you find anything by your side please let me know.