License no longer usuable

in R1
my connection dropped mid flash and my license is no showing as no longer usuable. Can someone reset it for me please? As I believe that’s what’s needed. Or point me in the right direction. Thank you.
Ok, it didn’t drop out, it got to the verifying stage and told me that I was an unauthorised user. I bought a second license and the same thing has happened again. Please help.
What file are you attempting to flash with?
Jason A.
Hi jason
it was the unrestricted file from your database. I’ve had an email from Kent in your offices who has reset my licences for me. I’ve not been able to test yet as I’m waiting on a new lead as mine was faulty.
I will update when I have tried again. Thank you for your reply.
Ok please keep us posted what happens.
Jason A.
so this has been resolved. My licences are reset and working, the cause was a faulty lead leading to disconnecting.
im now experiencing problems with the latest software though, whenever I try to flash a new file to my ecu, it detects the licence and then fails with and error message ‘Flash Write error’. Things were working fine last night, but the update this morning seems to have messed things up.
Any ideas?
We are currently working on the issue, we'll have it fixed shortly, apologies.