
in Bug Reports
The software is unable to connect to the motorcycle's ECU. what am I doing? I get the message "status: invalid checksum record" please help
When are you getting this message? Are you reading the ECU or writing the ECU?
Jason A.
reading the ECU
Sorry ....writing the ECU
I sent you a video by email, thanks Nir
Waiting for reply please
What happens when you attempt to read the ECU?
Jason A.
Same response.I sent you a video by email you saw him?
It shouldn't give you that exact same message when reading it should go through no matter what since that ECU is natively readable. Was this ECU previously flashed with your account? If so what license did it have?
Jason A.
Excuse me for my English, I hope you understand me. The software reads the ECU of the motorcycle. 09/11/2020 I purchased a license and directed the ECU. License number 0BC0435D. Currently I can not write the ECU. Only for reading I succeed. I sent you two videos to your email so you can understand me. Sorry again for my English, help me please
Try flashing the ECU now and marrying to the new license to see if it goes through ok.
Jason A.
Still not letting me do the programming. Impress me "undefined error" Thanks Nir
Trying again not working writes me "invalid checksum record" What do I do? please help
I tried your instructions, and I stil getting an error see attched below,
I also sent you an email to (from with video of the error (attched below).
Please give a fix because i am stuck and can ride my bike!!!!
I don't see an email in my inbox are you sure you sent to
Regardless, I need you to tell me which license number is on this ECU you are having issues with please.
Jason A.