License Hardfail.

in FZ / MT 07
i followed the install exactly, tried to flash got no response and my license is in hardfail status?
i followed the install exactly, tried to flash got no response and my license is in hardfail status?
update tested interface key off 31 key on 37? not sure what im doing wrong here..
resecured the pins, now its swapped key on shows 36/26 key off shows 17/37 flickering between
Chance its sounding like there may be a hardware connection issue. Are you using the bike side harness?
Uh yes I have this:
I followed the guide on how to install exactly. What could be wrong?
Seems like a hardware connection issue may be causing your unsuccessful flashes. Can you perform the 6 Pin Bike Side hardware test. found on the front page of the forum.
ok i will get a chance later to try that, given i do it and it works. is there something else i can do? do i still need my license reset or will that auto fix when everything is working
Your license is still in a unused state. It is definitely something in your set up.
Also refer to the "Bike Side flashing" post in the Bike Side Flashing kits category to help before you start your flash.