MT09 ECU flash question

in FZ / MT 09
I have a 2019 MT09 with a K&N filter and full Akra exhaust and am questioning whether the ECU flash even took effect. Using the Unrestricted map BS2-8591A-10(US) I have the default to A mode set to true, after flashing ECU I start the bike and it still defaults to standard so that makes me question if the Unrestricted map was even flashed onto the ECU.
Does your ECU part number match the file you flashed into the bike?
Are you able to do a readout of your ECU?
Jason A.
Yes the ECU part number matches the Unrestricted file I used to flash (made that mistake initially before I figured it out). I did try to read the ECU but it gave me a notification that I didn't have a license for the ECU, which isn't true since I recently purchased the bench side unit and this is the only ECU it has been used on.
Thanks for the quick response
When reading the ECU please be sure you already have a similar file open so the software can use it as a reference.
Please attempt to read the ECU and follow the steps it tells you. If you keep getting an error message please tell me what the exact message is. The license status is confirmed for you so it should let you read it.
Jason A.
Following a successful read I made sure the default to A mode was set to true, wrote the ECU and still no change, the bike still starts on Standard mode.
Are you getting any check engine or error lights on the bike?
It sounds like the flash is taking successfully but there may be a bug with that certain setting.
Jason A.
Yeah the check engine light comes on every flash. The bike starts and runs.
And the check engine light stays on when riding? If so what is the error code?
Jason A.
yeah it stays on while riding, it throws 10 separate codes
You definitely have an issue with your motorcycle if you are getting all those codes. Did you bike side flash or bench flash this ECU?
Jason A.
It was a bench flash for this ECU
If you look into your codes you can see it's all sensors that don't seem to be communicating properly. Its like they aren't getting a proper ground or signal. I'd like you to check your ECU connectors and make sure there are no loose pins. I've seen this issue be common when people install bike side harnesses and they don't realize they made another pin come loose. Sometimes just removing the ECU for a bench flash can make a pin become unseated. The pin will still be in the connector so it's very hard to tell but it won't actually be pushed in all the way to make proper contact.
Jason A.
After a pretty thorough look through the harness there didn't seem to be any loose connectors, i pushed them back in just to make sure but it was still pulling the same codes unfortunately.