17-19 R6 New type Auto-Blip sensor Do not work
게시물 : 1Verified User
...에서 퀵 시프터 및 블리퍼
Hello. For use with my EU specification 2018 model Yamaha R6. The other day, I purchased the following items. But it did not work properly. 17-19 R6 Auto-Blipper QS / Clutchless Downshifting Kit Push and pull worked on separate old sensors . Push and pull do not work with the new integrated sensor. Check the wiring many times. I can connect without any problems. The sensor was checked by a tester · The new model is always energized. • The old model is energized only during push and pull operations. There was a difference as above. I guess that it does not work by the difference in electricity supply method. Do not know the solution? We are considering purchasing a Translogic product, I give up the auto blipper of FTECU .
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