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ETV Decel Comp 2018 Yamaha R1 Posts: 11Verified User

I see the ETV Decel Comp settings have changed for the 2018 R1 files. It seems the range only goes negative and the limit is -7.79. What would be the suggested settings for a noticeable difference in engine braking?



  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Are you trying to get more or less engine braking? Are your values all set to the stock 0.00 currently?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    The values are all set to stock 0.00 currently, yes. I am trying to get less engine braking. I was going to set up my Decel Map #1, #2, and #3 in my ETV Decel Comp PWR 2. I'm not sure what the 0.00 refers to in the table. Is that 0.00 percent throttle opening?

    Thank you,


  • Posts: 11Verified User

    So do you have a recommendation for settings? Thanks.

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    Does the staff at ftecu even look at these questions? How difficult is it to respond to these simple requests?

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    The settings only provide less engine braking, so start with -1.0 and make steps from there.

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    I just want to double check with you on this setting. I have tried the ETV Decel Comp settings from -1.0 all the way to -7.79, which is the limit and I feel absolutely no difference in engine braking. If any difference at all, I feel more engine braking. I am trying to reduce the engine braking. Any help with the settings would be much appreciated. Thank you.

    2018 R1 US

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    At what engine rpm are you trying to reduce engine braking?

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    From 2000rpm all the way to 14000rpm in Decel Map #1, 2 and 3

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    From 2000rpm all the way to 14000rpm in Decel Map #1, 2 and 3

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    Trying to find out about this, I will get back to you as soon as I find out.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I will do my best to explain to you how to adjust your engine braking in the ETV basemaps section.

    In your ETV Basemaps section you have folders for all four of your power modes, under each folder you have 14 maps. These maps can be used per gear once changed in the Gear-Map# Index.

    These values control your throttle by wire in relation to RPM and APS. Engine braking is controlled by closing the TPS at differet times than the APS. In theory one to one throttle will be the most engine braking you can get and I wouldn't suggest any values less than what one to one throttle in that section would be. For example in APS column 4 and RPM row 10,000 lets say our table is one to one throttle meaning the value would be 4. Any number above 4 opens the TPS more than your APS meaning less engine braking since it would be closing the throttle valve slightly slower than you would be closing the throttle. Now you need to be careful when doing this because the basemaps can affect your on throttle performance as well.

    This excel table is the exact same as your ETV Basemaps table. This is showing one to one throttle but you can see values that climb in the lower right section mainly. This is for engine braking control without trying to affect your on throttle performance. For example there aren't many times you are on the throttle 4% at 12,000 RPM so adjusting this range will only affect the off throttle (engine braking). Generally when you are racing you close the throttle quickly so scaling the values like pictured is recommended but once completely off throttle you need to adjust the very first APS column. Hopefully this helped but I'm sure there are still questions so let me know how I can help.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    Thank you very much for the detailed info. I do have a couple questions, I am not able to change the values on many of the boxes and others I'm only able to adjust the values a very limited amount, am I doing something wrong? And should I not worry about changing the values for the ETV Decel since I'm now adjusting the basemaps? I'm still not sure what the values represent in the ETV Decel maps. Also not sure what you mean by values climbing in the lower right section, because it seems the lower left section shows the higher values. Thank you very much!

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    No you are not doing something wrong, there are certain limitations put in place in this section due to safety concerns. If we had no restrictions and someone set their throttle to 100 all the time it could get ugly. Our Race Team files have no restrictions, but for the general user restrictions have to be put in place. However, the restrictions we set should give you enough range of adjustment and we are always open to suggestions on opening up some restrictions a bit.

    Don't worry about ETV Decel since now we are working in the BaseMaps section.

    When I saw values climbing in the lower right section of my excel screenshot its referring to when you see the numbers going from 14 to 21 for an example.


    Jason A.

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