What to do If you are getting the "No Registered ECU Found" DO NOT PURCHASE NEW LICENSE

If you are getting the message that there is no registered ecu found and there is a prompt to purchase a new license, DO NOT PURCHASE A NEW LICENSE. If you purchase a new license it will cause you to lose any paid features that cannot be transferred and once you purchase a license and use it, it cannot be refunded and another one will not be added to your account to replace the one you used.
This has been posted on the forum before but there needs to be a refresh as too many people are purchasing licenses on the weekend or after hours because of the prompt and then wanting a refund and we will not be issuing refunds on used licenses. Licenses have a recovery mode and no longer need to be reset. You just need to check these things to get a flash/write to complete.
If one is being prompted for a license after flashing it could be because:
- There is an intermittent connection in the bench or bike side program harness. (Check the wiring) ( front page on forum has instructions on the different hardware tests.)
- After a confirmed write, at the end if you do not physically disconnect the ecu before attempting to write another file you could have the prompt the following time. (Disconnect ecu after each write/attempt and start fresh on every write.)
- If you start with the tuning cable and power connected to the ecu before starting to write and when prompted to connect or disconnect, just clicking ok and not physically doing what it is asking. (Please follow all prompts to ensure the ecu is put into program mode.) (do not plug in or connect power until prompted and make sure you do the command BEFORE clicking ok. Do not click ok and then do the prompt.)
- If you write a file that does not match the ecu pn, there can end up being a prompt for a license as well as toggling between the wrong and right file. (Ensure the files match the ecu pn.)
- The ecu is not the same one that was last flashed with the license. (Verify it is same ecu).
These are just the most common issues why one is prompted for a license.