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The FTECU application ask for new ECU license when reflesh my 2015 R1 Posts: 1Verified User

Hi everyone,

I owned an ECU license with Auto-blip & ActiveTune tie together for my 2015 R1M, the last flashed was on 2019 (after all mod been done) and it was never gave me any issue tie that time.

However I just have a problem on FTECU licensing on last Saturday, I need to re-flash the bike again for my government's inspection.

When re-flashing the ECU, I have an error pops up about no ECU license found error and it redirect me to FTECU page for buying another ECU license($100).

Since I need to flash the bike ASAP and I have no time for looking support via email(I am on the other side of the world from US) so I did paid for a new license.

Unfortunately after the purchase and I tried to re-flash the bike it told me the Auto-blip & ActiveTune will be disabled... (Since the Auto-blip & ActiveTune tie to my original ECU license)

I will need the ActiveTune since my have already swapped the O2 sensor to my exhaust, without the OEM O2 sensor I am not sure I can just using the OEM maps without ActiveTune enabled...

I am kind of suck at that point even I paid for a new license for no reason already, luckily after a few rebooted & retry with the re-flash, finally I successfully re-flash my ECU and get past the inspection.

I would like to seeking some help about what causing this kind of licensing error to prevent similar issue occurred in future because I will need to re-flash my bike every year for the government inspection from now on.

Thanks all.


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