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No Response / Write Attempt Failed Posts: 2Verified User


I've tried looking around and I cant seem to find anything that will help. I have the 6 pin harness on my bike and I've tried doing the 6pin check with a paper clip and multimeter and everything works like it should. I've also tried doing the Test Interface help in the software and I have a 36 with the key on and a 0 with the key off. I'm not really sure what else to try because as far as I've seen looking around in the MT07 forums this is correct behavior for the Test Interface. Any help is appreciated thank you.


  • Posts: 2Verified User

    Well I acted a little too quickly I guess with this forum post. Turns out I was trying to go through the software too fast. If anyone else comes across this and is having this issue I fixed it by in the Flash ECU process I just waited longer at each prompt. When it would get to "Turn key On" or stuff like that I would do the action then wait around 30 seconds before hitting the OK button and continuing with the process

  • Posts: 191Staff User


    Yes, it is possible to do it to fast as the software is still working in the background although we can not see it. I think 30 seconds is probably too long but if it works smoothly i will not question it.

    Thank you for the insight


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