Faulty O2 sensor?

I have an MT-07 with an ActiveTune kit. I've installed the kit a while ago, I've been riding the bike and accepted a few trims in the past but I never used the activetune monitor.
Today when testing the first time the activetune monitor while having the bike on a stand, started the bike (cold), connected the hardness, followed the steps to start AT monitor but I get a message "waiting for lambda hardware" that never goes away and the AFR is stuck on 15.0.
Disconnecting the O2 sensor harness I get the same result.
Disconnecting the ftecu lamda controller (from the original 4 pin connector) has the same result except the AFR gets down to 10.
What should I do to further diagnose it?
When you pulled up the trims and saved them in the past was it actually making changes in the cells?
How old is the kit and whom did you purchase it through?
Jason A.
Yes, in the past it was changes in the cells.
Kit bought November 12th 2020 from VeloxRacing, installed it on Nov 20.
What kind of gas are you running in your bike?
Jason A.
Unleaded 98 octanes (EU RON, so 93 in the US I believe)
Ok no worries I just wanted to see if you were running a more volatile fuel or not. Generally speaking the O2 sensor will last you at least around a year or so but sometimes could be less. You may need a new O2 sensor although it could be the LAMBDA controller which is burnt out now at this point too.
Try disconnecting the whole system from the bike and cleaning off all contact points and pins. You can use some electrical component cleaner and compressed air. Reconnect it all and see it works then report back to me please.
Jason A.