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Auto Blip troubleshooting Posts: 3Verified User

Having problem with Auto-blip on 2016 Yamaha R1S, bike will not downshift. The quick shifter function works great but need help troubleshooting the autoblip issue. Followed the direction on the FT website during install. Any assistance would be appreciate.


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Are you still having this issue?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 3Verified User

    Yeah I am

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Did you confirm your Green wire inserted correctly into the ECU connector? Did you test both sides of the QS sensor for continuity? Did you try swapping the sensor connections into the harness?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 3Verified User

    Hey Jason,

    Yes the green wire is inserted correctly in the ECU connector and I did swap the sensor connectors in the harness and test rode So when I switch the sensors connections it enables auto-blip but eliminates QS function and vice versa. The continuity of the QS is fine no problems there.

    So dumb question but I was told I only need the one push/pull sensor to do both quickshifting & auto-blip...was I misinformed because doing research online I see older videos with 2 sensors.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    So it seems like autoblip will work and quickshift will work but not together at the same time. This means one direction of the shift sensor most likely does not have continuity. Are you sure you got continuity when testing both sides of the sensor? You only need the single sensor not the old school two sensor type.


    Jason A.

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