Fail Reading
Posts: 7Verified User
in R1
Hello. I have a failure with our racing bike, the license in the writing process failed, after trying to write again it does not recognize the license and this after activating the auto tunner. I don't know what happens but this has been repeated several times in my case, I don't understand why it happens?
Hello help my
I had to reset your license, please try flashing again. This ECU will not read out when the license is a failed state.
Jason A.
Hi Jason. I have the same issue. And when trying to read to ECU it says "No Available Licens". it`s about 3 years ago i last flashed my ECU, can you help?
I also am having this issue, my bike was flash tuned by a previous owner, and upon purchasing an ftecu tech said getting new ftecu kit and USB cable would be all I need, even though it was registered to a previous owner. I wrote the email address that popped up to ask the person to transfer to my email address, just now. But I was under the impression that everything would start working with new kit.
My goal is to back up current ecu state. Flash unrestricted for 2016 R1M ecu 2CR-8591A-60(US) and enable auto-blipper and 1 or 2 other things.
Would you be able to just transfer the ecu license to my new ecu Flash Tune ECU kit, without old user authority.
Thank you
The answer I was given is NO!
I'm sorry we can not transfer with out the previous owners permission because they may have proprietary information in the map. If they will not transfer you the license you can rewrite over the top of it.