my bike doesn't rev past 7000rpm

in FZ / MT 07
I tried flashing my 2017 yamaha mt07 because it did not go past 7000 rpm in sixt gear and about 8000 in fifth. this is probably because it is restricted to 35kw. I thought I could change that by flashing it but I tried the unrestricted file and the stock one where the rev limits are set to around 10000, I noticed the flashing did something to the bike but deffenetly did not change the rev limits. what can I do?
I believe the MT07 of that year is restricted in many ways. Check your throttle cable at the throttle body to see if there is a plate there. it is used to prevent you from opening the throttle all the way. There are also restrictions in your air intake system, namely the air filter and airbox to manifold. You can look up how to take care of those.
Thank you,
I have looked at the throttle cable and changed the airfilter for a dna filter already. I will have a look at the aribox to manifold but i still think that there is a problem with flashing. Because i have tried turning engine braking off, the flash was succesfull it said but I did not notice a difference. Is it maybe possible that i cant flash my ecu because it is a special restricted one for 35kw in europe or something?
What is your ECU part number and what region are you from? Also could you send an image of your ECU connector wiring. I know that on some bikes, the wiring at the ECU is also changed. When they derestrict those types they have to swap the pins and flash the bike. Could be you may need to swap those pins. I can not tell you for sure as I am not very familiar with the EU side. I remember seeing some procedure like that and another person mentioned it on a post around here.
Update: I have found it and will tag you in it.
Thank you for the search man,
there is a good chance this is it because i think i have the same ecu as that guy. I will have a look tomorrow
No problem. An easy way to tell would probably be comparing your ECUs wiring to the pinouts they show in the file. I think just switching them may be all you need to do. I am not sure. Report back with results please.
Hello I have recently bought my new flash tune kit for my r7 but for some reason when I plugged in my ecu and powered it on with the wall charger it wouldn’t connect to my laptop . I bought a brand new laptop Just to use the flash tune and i was having trouble “ writing ecu” and reading “ ecu. Would not light up on the file manager . I called flash tune they told me to make sure I downloads all the drivers which I did yesterday and it still wouldn’t work . I put the bike plastics back on and when I tried to start it to make sure I didn’t have any rotor codes my check engine light is on . Any ideas what I am doing wrong. Thank you 🙏🏼
Flash tune customer service is really great I called them a few times before I got my unit and there really nice they helped explain everything to me step by step even when I was trying to actually flash the unit I had them on the phone but I am not sure if it was my computer or maybe I didn’t plug something in right or in the right order I checked everything a few times and no dice .
I did try it but it doesnt work, when i switched the pins and flash the ecu the bike doesnt even start. So i put it back for now… I called with a yamaha dealer and they said they can program it and that there in no need for switching pins. But if they can do it with their program why cant i do it with our software? Am i missing something?