VMAX 1700

in V-MAX
I have a VMAX with a Power Command V 22-003X installed. The tuning is good with the Power Commander and stock ECU image. But I would like to remove the top speed restriction for the off road days.
I installed the 2S3-8591A-A0(US) Unrestricted ECU image, and the bike ran terrible after the update. The cold idle was erratic, and when I went for a ride and the bike would shut off when I lugged the engine.
I re-installed the stock ECU image and the bike runs perfectly again. :0). How do I get the best of both worlds where I remove the restrictions, but keep the stock tuning?
Not many of us vmax guys in here. I looked at those images and they look similar in the ignition and fuel tables and warm up so not sure what would cause the problems . But under ECU Settings The ETV- Bypass needs to be true or it will kill the motor like you described. Try changing that and see if it helps.
I know they say you shouldn't try a different image that doesn't match your ecu. But I have flashed several of the unrestricted images in the vmax files that didn't match my ecu. The unrestricted image you chose doesn't have the rev limiter adjustments. You might have to ask (call) why your unrestricted image doesn't have rev limiter adjustments. All should have it.
Goodluck getting any answers in this forum I've never had a question answered here or by email. Calling is your best bet when problems arise.
I copied the EVT base throttle setting from the unrestricted image to the stock 2S3-8591A-A0(US) , set the ETV- Bypass to true, and uploaded. The bike runs great, I can lug any gear, and no longer have the 8000rpm restriction in 5th gear. :0)
Good to hear!
Hello, Don't want to hack this thread, but even with an unrestricted map, the max speed seems to be limited at 235 kmh ( will be about 130 mph). Is it possible to insert a setting to change that?
Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!