Graves Tune File

in FZ / MT 09
I will be putting a Akrapovic style header with the loop style exhaust. Does anyone have any info on the flash file? I was told to just install it and flash the graves file. Curious if it makes any extra power that way. Any info would be appreciated or personal experiences.
I would say try the Unrestricted first, that way you can manually adjust your ECU Mapping or upload a PC fuel file to help adjust for your specific setup. Just be sure any file you use matches your exact ECU part number.
Jason A.
I had spoken with vcyclenut and he had advised with the exhaust I'm doing to just flash the graves file. As I don't have a dyno or the extra funds to buy the auto tune for the FTECU yet.
how do we get a PC fuel file? ,i flash my FZ09 with the unrestricted file the bike runs really good the only difference i found is that its torquie like it was before i did the airbox mod and i have 1sr two brothers full exhaust
my ecn sn is ,2015 FZ09 1RC-8591A-21