Yamaha MT-07 Flash and fuel maps questions

I recently installed the FTecu kit to my bike and flashed it with the unrestricted file. Works great and have no complaints, but scrolling through forums and discussions I started to wonder a few things.
NOTE: I have a SC Project conic version and stock intake (EU model).
1) I read that and looked myself that the unrestricted file for the MT07 has very aggressive ignition timings. Is this dangerous to the engine, since the stock one's are reasonably low compared?
2) I know the unrestricted file is a "base map" to start tuning, eg. a map that was made with full exhaust and high flow filter correct? Also read that the unrestricted file was made by a software and not actually properly tested. I'm sure this is not the case but please confirm.
3) I will not be buying ActiveTune nor changing the fuel values in the cells at all. THAT said, should I use the unrestricted file (considering it isn't harmful in any way or in the long run) for my MT07 OR the stock map file and import a power commander fuel map from their site. I AM aware they don't have a specific one for my setup, but just pick the one which seems to fit best?
4) Can you ensure me that if I were to use the unrestricted file (without importing a fuel map) it will run good enough and not lean?
5) Final thing, I noticed decel popping was slightly reduced, can it be removed completely in any way and why does it decel pop above 4k rpms now (didn't when it wasnt tuned)?
1: The Ignition timing is on the more "extreme" end compared to other bikes we've done. I personally don't think it's that bad still and we've had plenty of people running it. If you are nervous about it then tone down the ignition or copy over the values from the stock map just to be safe.
2: That is all correct except for the part of the file being made by a software and not being tested. The Unrestricted is a good starting point for most bikes but it is a map proven to work well on a bike. If you are looking for the ideal map you will want to get a dynotune and/or get the Active Tune kit.
3: I would stick with the Unrestricted file and copy in the stock ignition if you are still worried about that.
4: You need to be able to tell if the bike is running too lean or too rich and make changes to compensate if you do not with to manually change the values or buy an Active Tune kit. If you are looking for a perfect file specific to the mods you have I suggest contacting 2WheelDynoWorks about buying one of their custom made files.
5: Decel popping is common amongst bikes with a full exhaust. You can usually do your best to tune it all out with some fueling changes but it's difficult to eliminate it completely on some models.
Jason A.
Right, thanks for the info I'll put in the stock ignition timings so that I feel more safe about it (no clue what could go wrong even if the timings are aggressive or why would something go wrong) but yeah.
How do I copy the stock values from the stock map and how do I paste them onto the unrestricted file, and where in there specifically?
Open up a stock file matching your ECU part number and open up your current file.
On the stock file right click "Ignition" then select copy. On your current file right click "Ignition" and select paste. This will paste stock timing into your current file.
Then simply reflash your ECU with your new modified file.
Jason A.
Thanks a lot, will flash with unrestricted file with the stock ignition timings. If needed, I'll try adding a PC map on top of the unrestricted file.