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Problem quickshifter mt07



  • Posts: 14Verified User

    Jason, the motorcycle does not start with these 3 files, and indicates the error codes P0108 P0113 P0118 P0122 P1602 P1605

  • Posts: 14Verified User

    can you change the parameters and put the shifter only on the injection rail to try?

  • Posts: 47Verified User
    edited December 2019

    I use the MT07 2018 BU2-8591A-10 (JAP) file. It does not match the ecu of my motorcycle. You can see the picture of my ecu above in the forum But with this file the problem is gone. I am very happy with the result. I hope my experience can help you solve the problem.

  • Posts: 14Verified User

    Hello Martin, thank you for your return, but the bike does not start with this file

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Will In my motocilceta the number of ecu does not match the file that came to work well. The problem is the file. Do not look for the solution on the other hand.

  • Posts: 14Verified User

    Hello, did you find a solution? my client's bike is still waiting for the shifter to work

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Yes, I found it. Use in a file different from that of my ecu. My motorcycle is 2018 made in Japan My file is 2018 0T B31-8591A-00 (PHL) "This file turned off the motorcycle for a long time" Upload this new file: 2018 MT07 BU2- 8591A - 10 (JAP) Now the quickshifter works correctly. 😁😀 I'm very happy 😀c1Q1Q1Q1Q1

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Kent / Jason. Today I went out to try my MT on the road. The motorcycle has a problem. By accelerating sharply the bike does not react. If I install the file that corresponds to my motorcycle, the quickshifter works badly. If I install another file, the quickshifter works fine, but the bike works badly. Please, I need a solution. Thank you

  • Posts: 14Verified User
    edited January 2020

    Hello Kent / Jason, I still don't have a solution either, the polarity of my motorcycle must be different from your files, do you have the shema to modify and try? Martin, I think your file mapping is not good, try to copy the fuel table to try

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    When you say the quickshift works fine but the bike works badly, please explain what you mean by the bike working badly?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Jason. with the file BU2-8591A-10 (jap). The quickshifter works. But I have the problem of cutting at 8000rpm What I want to mean by that is. The quickshifter works correctly but the motorcycle makes an ignition cut at 8000 rpm. the failure is only in 5th and 6th gear at 8000 rpm. Not in the other gears. In spite of that. With this file. Quickshifter works. Bike not With the file proposed by you. B34-8591A-00 (phl). the quickshifter does not work .. The motorcycle does not make the ignition cut at 8000rpm. Quickshifter does not work, motorcycle does I attached the video with the fault that corresponds to the file proposed by you. When I say that you don't work the quickshifter means that it doesn't work correctly producing a long delay between gears Anyway. I want to know what you propose to me to do to solve this problem if you have any solution. This test rules out any errors in the installation of the system and its components. The problem is purely softwar PS. I go to send the video by email. was impossible for this way

  • Posts: 47Verified User


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    We will have a solution for you soon, we are working with Tournay.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Let me look at these and see what I can do for you.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    When you use the BU2-10 file your QS works as normal, but your bike hits a rev limiter at 8000rpm every time?


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Jason.

    With the file BU2-8591A-10 (jap) Stock, with hard acceleration always cut at 8000 rpm in the fifth and sixth gear.

    The same goes for the BU2-8591A-10 (jap) file without restrictions, but at 6000 rpm.

    If it accelerates smoothly, the ignition is not cut with any of the 2 files.

    Regards Martin

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Is it cutting like trying to actuate a shift or cutting like a rev limiter? Would you be able to send me a video of it doing this cut when you are not trying to shift? So a video of it cutting under hard acceleration then not cutting under easy acceleration all while not shifting.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Jason.

    Is cutting like a rev limiter.

    I'm sorry, I don't have a video. I go to try to produce ones this weekend. I need to go to the road to do that. I must to do the test on the road because the dinamometer is to expensive. (around 200 dollars). I will use the file that fail at 6000 rpm. the other file fail to hight. 8000 rpm in 5ta is close to 180 km/h. aproximatly


  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Jason.

     I go to send two videos. The first one the bike work well. You can see how reach and past 200km/h. in 5ta and 6th speed. And reach 10.000 rpm. Normal. In this video had installed the file b34

    In the second video you can see that in 5ta speed the aceleration get slow. Aproximatly 8000 rpm began the failure. i can not ot do exactly that you want. to do a difference between slow and fast aceleration.

    In this video you can see that around 8000rpm and 180 km/h the aceleration get slowly with the fail in this moment. BUT in this time I detect that the aceleration dont stop. the bike acceleration continue with the fail but very slow.

    In the dinamometer the rev limiter was clear. in the road not.

    I waiting news as soon as possible.

    Regards Martin

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Open up file B34-00(PHL) from the tuning suite. Looks for Quickshifter 2 and check to see if its enabled, it should be. Flash the ECU and test it out. If that does not work then disable the Quickshift 2 and re-enable it. Reflash the ECU and let me know if that works for you.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Jason. I performed the test with the B34-00 (PHL), stock and unlimited files. The result was the same for both cases. In the first flash the Quickshifter keeps the fault by turning off the motorcycle for a long time. Then I deactivate and activate the Qs, and flash the ecu again. The result is that the QS is actives BUT doesn't work. When I change gear the QS don't do nothing. I made several flashes without any result. The QS is dead. Thanks, Martin

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    I changed the Quickshift option again please retry the test for me when you have time.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Flash B34 with qs enables and follows the problem of long engine cutting. .

    Turn off qs and flash again.

    I make a new flash with the qs enable, but I follow the long engine cut.

    Today I made a new video to compare the qs with the file BU2 and B34 .

     In the BU2 the front light is on when change the speed BUT ln the B34 the front light turn off when I change speed. Watch like the front light flash when I select the speed.

    I wait for news.

    Regards Martin

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Good morning Jason. Since I don't hear from you, I leave this message asking about the problem. I am still willing to collaborate so that you find a solution to the problem of Qs. Please say how we go ahead to make the Qs work. Thank you.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hi Jason - Kent. I think you are working on my problem solution. I need to keep this matter working on. I havent any response in the forum. Please send me news about that. Regards Martin

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Sorry for the delay on response here, we are having a hard time finding a solution for you without having a bike here with the same problem. Please give us some more time to try and come up with something else new for you to try.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Dear Jason I want to know how much to waiting for the solution. I am thinking to send the Qs back to you. The problem is not the bike. The proble is to generate the correct file to my bike. I bought the Qs on 30 october of the last year. Tell me if that is possible. If you give me the OK. I will send the parcel to you. Please send me your address. Martin Regards

  • Posts: 47Verified User

    Hello. I am waiting news about my problem. Regards

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Please email me:


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 1Verified User


    I have same problem with my 2018 mt07 quickshifter. It works but cuts out engine for 1 - 1.5 seconds between gears. I also flashed different 2017 model file but did not make any difference. Did not check if it cuts out at 8000 but quickshifter is not working as it should.

    I have B34-8591A-00 ecu MADE IN JAPAN

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