Activate auto blipper.

in H2
Hello there. I need some help enabling the auto blipper kit because i can't seem to figure it out.
I have registered the paid feature with the code that came with the kit.
On my account it now says:
Your account holds 1 codes total.. Displaying 1 unclaimed codes..
Product SNProduct Description2EF486232016 ZX10 Auto-Blipper Kit
How can i claim it???
If i open up the Tuning Suite and try to enable auto blipper it says:
You must register your activation code before enabling this feature.
please visit the feature activation page
But haven't i already registered? Am i missing someting here?
How can i flash the ECU with auto blipper enabled?
Please help.
Are you flashing a ZX10 or an H2? Did you order the kit directly through us?
Jason A.
Hi Jason,
i am flashing an H2.
Yes i ordered the kit from your website.
Can you please email me a picture of your scratch off activation card?
Jason A.
Yes will mail it straight away.