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ground pin 21 Posts: 2Verified User

Hi i am interested in having 2 maps when i am not using my pcv auto tune . My 2002 hayabusa has his hiden function when i open pin 21 circuit using a simple on -off switch. Is this sound right? Also i was looking to see how to calibrate speed with sprocket selection, is this possible in oem ecu? my license is used for what? I am also looking at third party ecu uploading (pcv ) can you explain how to do it. Thanks


  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    That would generally be the difference between your MS0 and MS1 maps.

    There's no sprocket selection option in our file to calibrate your speedometer.

    Your license is used to flash your ECU.

    You select PC Fuel Import and select Extract Fuel Tables. Then choose your PowerCommander file you have saved. Next select Apply Table to Fuel Maps and you're done.


    Jason A.

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