License invalid after flash back the original Map.

Hi Team~
I have license issue during flash back to the stock map on my 2017 GSX R1000R, the ecu part number is 32920-17KA2, I have flashed the 32920-17K92 stock map to my ECU, and found some feature is disappear after the flashing.
Now, I am going to flash back the stock 32920-17KA2 map, the message said the license invalid and ask to purchase a new one, could you help me to check the license or anything that I lost during the flashing?
License NO. F319B1CD
The issue was going back and forth between the different file part numbers sometimes makes the software thing you are flashing a new ECU. I have now reset your license and you should be good to re-marry it to the original license and do a full ECU flash.
Jason A.
Thank you~Jason~I will try to marry the license again!