No registered ECU found xsr900 E3856FFB

Hello, i have a problem with my license, license E3856FFB AND THE ECU IS B90 8591A 40 XSR900 2016, i try to connect to flash again my ecu with a new parameters but the software said me "no registered ecu found. would you like to purchase a new license for this ecu?", and i cant flash again my ecu, please help me with this problem, thanks
note: in the 3 picture you can see my sessions with this license
I have reset your license for you, please attempt to reflash your ecu again.
Jason A.
hi, the same problem, first the software Said me That ASSIGN license for esta ecu, next Said error, and then, the same initial problem, can you reset me again the license plis, step by step, start the software, then a the software has updated, next i connect harnes and the ecu to the pc, next i test the connection, next i put flash ecu and the software said me assigned ecu and license, next said me disconect harnes or key on and ok, next said me connect harness or key on and ok, and finaly error, i repeat the process and the software show me this message like the picture, help me again or if i do something wrong sorry by my bad english.
I did have to reset your license again actually. Are you flashing with the correct part number file for your ECU as well? You always want to start with the Key off when bike side flashing or power off when bench flashing. Only connect power or key on when prompted to then follow all the commands from there.
Jason A.
jason thanks for all this time i can do it!, thanks