Unprogrammed bike after downloading map

in FZ / MT 10
After introducing the map, the bike failed with the injection, and any changes made later to try to solve the problem had no effect. I was obliged to send the bike to a representative to download the original map, with high costs.
Did you match your ECU part number to the file that you flashed into your ECU?
Yamaha MT-10 SP BW8-8591A-00 Hello, the update was done correctly and you don't hear any errors! What is happening is the following, when I accelerate between 1000 rpm and 7000 rpm the bike fails (makes a pit) and it is not possible to have precision on the accelerator, in corners it is dangerous and the bike is not controlled! All changes made to the Throttle and Fuel maps had no effect. When changing between maps PWR1 PWR2 PWR3 there will be no change.
It sounds like your file was corrupted, you need to re-download a fresh file, start with the stock ECU image first.