New flash tool and license same ECU

So I purchased a bench side tool in 2018 same time I bought the bike and the full Graves exhaust unfortunately after that my house burned down with the type 18 flasher in the house so I bought a type eight so I now have two licenses the problem is when I bought the full Graves exhaust I guess they gave me a code to access their full system flash and it wants me to buy a license to install that again on my bike which I changed back to stock to see what it was like of course I didn't save the file I didn't know I had to but I need to access my Graves full exhaust flash and it's telling me I need to buy a license which I've already done twice and I bought full graves exhaust system so I have no doubt I have or should have access to that file but the new tool type eight thinks it's a new ECU which it isnt it's the same ECU same ECU with the license that I had on my type 18 so somehow somebody got to give me a product activation code or something so I can access the graves full system file please thank you
Do I need to contact Graves for a product activation code to get that full system file flash
Did Graves email you a specific file or is it a file you got off of the Tuning Suite software?
Jason A.
Just the one from your software and when I try and install it now it tells me I need to buy a license but when I try and say put on the 2018 unlimited mt10 flash it's allowing me to do that I don't remember if I got a license from graves when I bought the full exhaust or not or like a code I realized that if I did you guys should have evidence of me you know entering that code but it's obviously not on there on my account anyways but yeah I can't access just the one off of your guys's software and that's the one I want to access any help would be appreciated sir thank you
I will make sure I save the file next time of course now that I know I need to but I can dummy I should have done it I just knew it was this Graves full exhaust system flash that you guys have on your software so I figured it would let me access that again and it's not letting me do that it's telling me to buy a license which I don't understand but hopefully you guys can help
It sounds like this could be an issue with the ECU part number based files. Can you send me a picture here of the Denso sticker on your ECU? Can you also tell me exactly what Unrestricted file it lets you put in your ECU no problem? Also please tell me which specific Graves file it is you are trying to use.
Jason A.
Sure but first let me give some other details. when i bought my bike which is a 2018 mt10 in early 2018 and also bought your type 18 flasher, at the time i believe you guys didnt even have a US flash file out yet only a 2017 EU file so thats what either i flashed or registered my ecu as in the software,{you would thinjk your software would know what year make and modelm ecu it ios communicating with but i guess not} Anyways fast forward my type 18 burns up in house fire the bike didnt, so i bought a new type 8 flasher but am flashing the EXACT SAME ECU i was flashing back in 2018 on the type 18, so back then i kinda remember that my full graves exhaust system came with a code for their full system flash but i could be wrong. So anyways doesnt the doftware have a 2018 mt10 unrestricted flash that you can flash to the ecu? if so thats the one. So anyways my part number is B67-8591A-50(2018 mt10} which is the same as it was back in early 2018 and despite what it says for my type 18 in the records my bike is not nor has it ever been a 2017 fz10, although i may have registered it as such because you guys didnt quite have the US flash file out yet! I bought for 1800 cash when i bought my bike a FULL GRAVES EXHAUST SYSTEM, not just the cat elim or whatever but the FULL SYSTEM which i kind of recall it come with a product code card for their FULL SYSTEM FLASH FILE but im not 100% positive of that! when you asked if i was talkinjg about the graves file in the software suite, is that not accessable to everyone, or do you need to have purchased a full exhaust from grave AS I DID to recieve the code to unlock that flash file? Is it the usb cable that cost $400 or is it the software and flash files that we pay for? because certainly i can make the usb cable and the bike side harness for less than 30 in parts! in other words are there no files that come withn the purchase of the flasher that are in the software? that if you have a registered usb cable i can access as many times as i want? without saving the file?
First off no you can't make the USB and harness for less than $30. There is a chip in the datalink usb cable that allows it to communicate and comes with an ECU flashing license($100). That is why the USB datalink cable is so expensive ($350). The bike side harness is just wires, pins, and a connector which is why it's so much cheaper ($50).
If you would've flashed your bike with an EU file at any time your bike would not run due to firing order differences so I'm sure that is not the case. The "2017 FZ10" designation you may see on your ECU license doesn't matter, that's just a generic classification.
If your ECU part number is B67-8591A-50 then you need to get Graves to email you that specific file of theirs. They do not host that file on our server only the B67-8591A-10 file.
There are tons of files that come in our software, you can access them without even purchasing anything from us since our Tuning Suite software is free to download for anybody. All the files we have are in the "File Manager" section of our Tuning Suite software. If there is a specific file you need like in your case you need to contact Graves.
Jason A.
My ECU is the same part number that it was when I flashed the Graves full system file from your software onto it back in 2018! Not to mention it's just telling me I need to purchase a license to flash that file. I already have 2 licenses so I'm confused. The 2017 fz10 they just be a generic classification but that's the bike that has the b67 8591a-10 ECU versus a 2018 mt10 the ECU is a b67 859 1A-50 which my ECU has always been but I was able to flash the graves full system file out of your software suite onto it back then and I like that tune and I want it back I'm totally unsatisfied with all the other options that the bike is letting me flash onto it at this time somehow I did it back then I've got to be able to do it again! I used to have the graves full system flash on it I had it there until just recently and it's always been a b67 859 1a-50 ECU so I don't know what's up I've never gotten any file other than what's in your software Graves never gave me any specific file
Besides the fact that even though they have different part numbers the ECU is are identical the wiring harnesses are identical the bikes are identical you can upgrade a 2017 with a quick shifter simply by adding the quick shifter and plugging one wire in which is already there in the harness other than that it's 100%, identical to the 2018 and 2019 I don't know about the 2020 so I should be able to flash that file the graves full system file in your software suite to my ECU there's nothing different about the two bikes at all trust me I've torn them all apart and torn the motors all apart and I have a wiring harness from the 2017 and a 2018 so I can tell you there's absolutely no difference I even have a 2017 ECU but I'm not trying to mess around with that I'm just using my 2018 ECU that I have purchased two licenses for since 2018 I've never even tried to put my 2017 ECU into anything because I know I would need to purchase another license because that's an actually different ECU oh and by the way yes I understand there's an chip in USB cable that makes it communicate it's not very much unlike an Arduino chip and yes parts wise you can purchase all of it for less than 30 bucks way less actually including the chip!
Look man there's no way you can make that work if you made your own USB DataLink is what I'm saying. Even if you did manage to make it work before our servers blocked you for life you'd have to purchase an ECU license and you're already over budget. I'm not here to argue with you I'm here to help you if you want it.
The -10 and -50 part number ECU's are very similar since the bikes are similar, but not all the internal coding is the same on them. I can confirm this for you because I'm the one that defines them. Unlike Suzuki, Yamaha is good about not making a million part number ECU's if they don't actually have any internal changes. Any time any coding is changed they have to make a new part number ECU of course.
Your ECU part number is the -50 one and you say you flashed it with the Graves file available. The only Graves file available is the -10 file so this has to be what you flashed it with. The differences in the two part numbers aren't much at all so you may be perfectly fine running the -10 file in your -50 ECU. Fortunately, for you the -10 and -50 files share a similar ID in our system which will let you flash either one into your ECU without license recognition issues. If you are getting license recognition issues it's most likely your hardware, internet connection, and/or computer.
If you purchased a Graves exhaust and can provide them with the receipt they will make you a file for your -50 ECU and email it over to you. Obviously, you need to contact them for that kind of service.
I see you flashed your ECU again today. Is everything ok on your end now?
Jason A.