Im a noob hope someone can shed light

i just received my bench tuner "kit" from FTECU this is my first time ever trying to tune a bike or ever making it this far lol i have a 2018 r1 raven i have installed a 3/4 M4 street slayer exhaust other then that the bike is 100% stock i noticed it has been running lean ever since the cat delete and exhaust install which is what lead me here ive heard alot of good things about FTECU and decided to give it a shot i followed the prompts and downloaded the software and was looking at the public files but only see the "stock", "unrestricted" files applicable to my specific bike and year, noticed that graves offers maps for the r1 but only up to 2017 im unsure if it would work for my 2018 and didnt wanna risk any harm so decided not to use them can anyone shed some light or point me in the right direction id like some info on what the "unrestricted" files are other them unrestricting throttle maps and i would assume emissions what can i do in regards to my lean issue im not a tuner and dont feel comfortable tuning or making adjustments on my own thanks for your time
You want to make sure you only use file parts numbers that match your ECU part number. With that being the case you did the right thing not using the 2017 Graves file.
I suggest using the Unrestricted file for your application. That map is pretty much exactly what you think it is. We take the stock base map and remove all speed/gear/emission based restricitons then optimize it for performance generally with a full exhaust system. The 3/4 system you have really won't be much different than a full system so that map should work just fine for you.
Jason A.