2016 EU disable immobiliser

in R1
How do you disable the immobiliser on a r1 2016.2cr model bike side harness.
Many thanks
How do you disable the immobiliser on a r1 2016.2cr model bike side harness.
Many thanks
Flash your bike with a US file and make sure US Harness Config is set to FALSE.
Jason A.
Can I still use the EU 2cr unrestricted file without having to do anything else?
Many thanks
No you must use a US file with US Harness Config set to FALSE.
Jason A.
I've possibly read that I would have to move my ignition coils about. Is that correct or just set uUS config to false and use US file?
Also which US file would I need to use to mimic the unrestricted EU file for 2016 r1?
Many thanks again
There is no re-pinning of your wiring harness required for this. Use the US Unrestricted file, set US Harness Config to FALSE, then disconnect your Immobilizer from the bike completely.
Jason A.
Brill. Many thanks for your help