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Unlisted ECU in FT's Database Posts: 7Verified User


I'm from the Philippines and our ECU's doesn't match the ones that you have in your database. That's why a lot of Asians opt for Woolich and ARacer especially here in my country and trust me, Ninja400's has a huge following here. I've read somewhere that FT is willing to "hack" the ECU from our region I ship it out to you and in return, FT will be returning me my unlocked ECU together with a flashing kit. Is this true? I hope I can get in touch with you guys.

BTW, I bought an ECU from the US (1314) and installed it in my bike. Now my stock ECU is gathering dust in my garage.


  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 714Staff User


    If we do not have your ECU part number, you need to send us your ECU so that we can create a file for it. When we return your ECU, we will send you an ECU Data Link flash kit free of charge.



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