I forgot to read the tune on my motorcycle before changing the tune

in FZ / MT 10
I forgot to read the tune on my motorcycle before changing the tune. Now the bike (with a leo vince mid pipe stock muffler and stock air filter) dies when I give it gas on a unrestricted tune B67-8591A-10(US) with a power commander tune for the leo vince mid pipe. It also won't run on the stock tune. If any staff could help or anyone, it would be greatly appreciated.
Those ECU's are not natively readable so you wouldn't be able to read it out anyways before you flashed it.
Have you tried using just the Unrestricted tune without a PC fuel import file being uploaded?
Jason A.
Now it says it's not even letting me upload saying its not a registered ecu the license number is 1E980041 and it keeps asking me if I want to purchase a license. I have a stable connection.
Your ECU license is in attempted state because your last flash process did not complete. We will need to reset your license in order for you to use the license again.
The problem you are encountering is usually related to a corrupted Dynojet file that is imported into an FTECU file. What is your ECU part number? (It's on the "Denso" sticker on top). Did you match your ECU part number to the file part number in the File Manager? Please find the correct STOCK ECU image file, then flash that into the ECU first (with no modifications, no Dynojet fuel maps or anything). Start the bike to run it for a bit, then shut it off, and flash the proper Unrestricted file into the ECU (with no Dynojet fuel map import).
How do I reset the license? The map is for the same ECU i have ending in 10. It won't allow me to upload other either.
We have reset the license, it can only be done here.
Nevermind. I'm not sure if you guys fixed the problem but I clicked update email after that it worked.