17 CBR1000rr First Read

I'm having trouble getting my ECU to read out for the first time. I've registered my USB but the website says that my license is not registered to my ECU. So, when I attempt to connect to the ECU and perform a read out, amidst the toggling on/off I eventually receive a prompt stating their is an issue with my ECU licensing. Specifically, the software states that "Status: ECU license is not detected..."
So, I got to the licensing section of this website. This portion says I have License C5CC8B41 but it has never been "last used", has no Model nor a status. So, I click the ECU license hyperlink and am taken to the license transfer page. It also says my license is unused. So, I transfer it myself via the registered e-mail associated with my activated USB.
It then tells me that I have successfully transferred the aforementioned license to my registered email. Great! So, I try-try again to read my ECU only to be recycled into the same process. Each time, the website tells me I successfully transfering my licensing to myself and yet I cannot read my ECU.
Any help is appreciated.
As mentioned in another thread, I've tried updating my email in the user section of the tuning suite to no avail.
And now, the Tuning Suite no longer recognizes my ECU/Device and gives me no options to do anything. Very frustrating.
Your license won't be married to your ECU until you flash it for the first time.
Do you have a similar file open in the treeview pane on the left side of the Tuning Suite before clicking Device>Read ECU?