Is the FTECU QS sensor NO or NC

in R6
I am trying to flash my 2014 R6 again, with the Graves file for full system, stock filter.
I just purchased the push/pull ftecu quickshifter and have it plugged in as a pull sensor, connected to the ecu with a type 7 harness.
For the configuration in the software, do I set the sensor type as NO or NC? I couldn't find anything on the sensor description that said what it was.
Also, if i ever switch to using it as a push sensor, does that change if its NO/NC or is that fully based on the sensor itself?
I was able to find that it's NO from another source. Tried it and tested. Upshifts nice and smooth with no clutch, so I'm guessing all is good.
Yes the sensor is normally open (NO) so it closes the circuit when it completes a shift. If you switch from using Push or Pull it will always be normally open (NO).
Jason A.