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Commonly open circuit vs commonly closed circuit Posts: 32Verified User
edited December 2019 in FZ / MT 09

Hello, there is no information about the difference between the two set up? I’m trying to enable the quick shifter on my Yamaha R6 2016 without success. I need help with the software set up and wiring. I tried to use Rapidbike new shifter which they are using for their blipper shifter. It has only two wires. I connected to FTECU wires but it didn’t worked. Even when I connected the wires on the opposite way.

then I tried to use the old Rapidbike shifter (strain gauge) I believe which comes with 4 wires but I didn’t know which wires to connect. It needs power I think to enable the small switch which control the preload and the set up of push/pull.

appreciate your help.



  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    A strain gauge sensor will not work with our software in the ECU.

    Our shift sensor, dynojet's shift sensor, and translogic's shift sensor are all confirmed to work with our programming.


    Jason A.

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