Cant open FT software today Communication Error

in FZ / MT 09
Anyone else having problems opening FT today, I keep getting this error, Communication Error check your internet connection before pressing Ok.
I have tried 2 different PC's with different internet connections, NBN & Hot spot through my phone, I have full internet access on both PC's, I have turned off all security that might stop FT dialing out but no connection over the internet to FT?
FT lately always have an issue with the communication or server. Please upgrade your server otherwise this kind of issue keep on going every time
Apologies, one of our servers had a major crash this morning, our dev team is working on it, should be back up shortly.
We haven't had a problem like this since the server upgrade in July.
Server is back up.
Thanks for your reply Kent, all sorted in Australia this morning.
No worries. The server crash was due to an attack by an outside entity.