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Adding AutoBlip to a R1s Posts: 10Staff User

Here is a quick note in regards to using/adding autoblip to a R1s. If you are adding autoblip to a bike that has already been flashed, you need to use a completely new file. To be clear, this means that if you have a file saved on you computer of if you read out your ecu, you cannot use that. You need to access the file manager and select the correct file for your ecu. If you have a custom file with fuel maps you want to use, you will need to copy those out of your old file and into the new file. Make sure to activate autoblip before you flash the new file. If you forget to activate autoblip before you flash, you will need to start again with another new file.


  • Posts: 3Verified User

    I have a 2019 R1 and it came with the autoblip/quick shift feature. After flashing my ECU the QS lights are not working on the dash. If there anyway to fix this?

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    Currently there is no fix for that.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 5Verified User
    edited October 2020

    @jondjay37, i had the same question, ha! as well as the LIF light.

    @jason will this be fixed sometime? some of us are OCD, please understand.

    First off, I used the unrestricted file and mapped the fuel tables as I wanted and I'm extremely satisfied, great software. While I'm here, allow me to ask a few questions please.

    1. Is the EXUP valve on the 2015-2020 R1 valve statically opened, thus disabling it just keeps it open? I've observed it when I start up the bike and I see it close and then open, this must be a test sequence. I assume it stays open, but I wouldnt be able to see it as I'm riding. I've looked online but I see people saying it stays open or it closes. I understand this may be something I should figure out, but if you know it would be nice of you.
    2. I see the diagnostics code disabled for the AIS but I don't exactly see the AIS option anywhere. I see an air intake valve option, but isnt this the intake valve in the front of the nose that opens up when there's a vacuum applied?
    3. I have the bench kit for the 2018 R1, does the this hardware outfit the 2020 MT-09? I would only need to purchase a license for it if so.
    4. Lastly, I know some friends that have ECU tune software for their cars and they offer pay per training. Do you guys offer something such as that? I'm a novice but I work in the systems/networking field and this is something I could learn. I don't know everything about the mechanics of motors but I know enough to understand anything advanced.
  • Posts: 5Verified User

    I meant to also ask when we disable "System Warning", does that also disable warning indicators such as SCS or TCS?

  • Posts: 1,067Staff User


    That is not something that is being worked on at the moment.

    1: The EXUP valve is always set to be open in case it fails on a bike you don't want it being stuck closed. When you start the bike it goes through a test sequence to find it's limits. Disabling it will keep the code from popping up once you unplug it.

    2: The AIS is disabled by disabling the P1400 code. That is different than the air intake valve.

    3: Your 6-pin USB cable will work but you need a different bike side or bench harness for the MT09. You will also need an additional license if you wish to flash an additional ECU.

    4: We are not set up to do any type of paid training at this time unfortunately.


    Jason A.

  • Posts: 2Verified User


    does that procedure also apply to a 2015 R1M

    i have it installed but only work from 6-5. 5-4, 4-3

    thank you,


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