Stock Map with no FT Lock

I need help removing the FT maps and returning the ECU to stock factory condition without it remaining locked with FT encryption.
FT folks, I have tried both stock and unrestricted maps for my 17K92 ECU. The steering damper feels like it's locked! Hard to move the bars, doesn't matter if enabled or disabled. Since I live in Japan and got the bike here, I even tried the Japanese maps (17KC2 and 17KC0). The steering damper is good with these two maps, but in 4th gear at 10,000 RPM the rev limit kicks in, and in 5th gear, it happens at 8,000RPM.
I went to an ECU tuner here called MotoJP, and he put my bike on his dyno to discover the rev limiter is not working correctly. He doesn’t use FT. He put a spare ECU on my bike with his mapping, and all issues are gone — full unrestricted power. I wanted him to load his map, but after using FT, it's impossible. It’s locked and encrypted.
Can I request FT to restore my ECU to stock condition?