How install bike-side zx6 2012 harness

in ZX 6
Hi I both the side bike harness formy bike ZX6 2012 but in the box not comming instructions for install it!
could you help me please?
All instructions are located in our document center. Please go to, then login to your customer account, then go to the document center. Make sure your USB Datalink is registered before trying to fetch your document.
Jason A.
I went try to do that but it said, Note: Your account does not contain a license matching this document.
You may override this warning once or purchase another license.
Are you sure you would like to override and continue? YES NO
My usb data link is registred because I went use it before to a zx6r 2019, so I dont know what hapenned
could you help me thanks
Just click yes to override.