Shift Rod

Does FTECU sell just the shift rod for the quickshifter kit separately?
Also when I installed mine, it would only shift in gears 1-3. After that, I had to use the clutch. So I tried adjusting the rod to make it shorter and over-torqued it and the threads snapped. Any idea why it would’ve worked flawlessly in gears 1-3 and not any gear above that?
ALSO, wondering if anyone knows if the Dynojet shift rods work for the FTECU sensor on the FZ07. Thinking of ordering those if FTECU doesn’t sell the rod separately.
We sell the rod(s) separately. We'll have to make you an invoice for the separate parts. Which shift kit was this for, and exactly which rod was it that broke?
Thanks for the reply. I know we’re discussing the rod through email, just waiting on the invoice for the rod. But, I was also wondering what the map for the quickshifter does? It only has gears 1-5 on the stock ECU image for the 2017 FZ07 and they’re all set at 80. Should it be something different?
The QS map only has five "gear" modules because there are only five gearshifts between six gears.
80 milliseconds is the amount of ignition cut time between each gear, which is normal.