ActiveTune problem "waiting for lambda hardware ..."

Tune doesn’t work, after ride there is always zero trim (I don’t turn off the key), when I open the monitor in real time, it always says “waiting for lambda hardware ...” and nothing else. I rechecked all the connectors, uninstalled the program, rebooted the computer, installed everything again, flashed to the stock and to unrestricted, always one result.
Yamaha R1 2016
Remove the O2 sensor, plug the exhaust bung, then start the bike, run it for 30 seconds, then turn it off using the kill switch (not the ignition key like you mentioned). Get a butane lighter, and without lighting it, hold it with the butane coming out close to the sensor. See if the reading changes.
I did not use the ignition key, I used the kill switch. With and without butane- no changes.
What i need to do?
We need to look into this. I will get back to you when we find out asap.
Any news?
This looks like you are clicking the "Monitor" button. You need to click the "Read" button in order to read saved trim maps.