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Tuning Suite Loading ............. Posts: 3Verified User

Launched the tuning suite and it just sat there with "FTECU Tuning Suite Loading ....". Killed the process, uninstalled, reinstalled .... Launched the tuning suite and i'm stuck in the same position. Loading ....

Windows 10 Pro v 1903 ( patch status is up to date )

Tuning Suite

License status is 'confirmed'

Next step?


  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    Try restarting your computer, and ensure you have a good, solid internet connection. If you already have the software downloaded, it should start up easily. You may have other software running in the background that also slow things up.

  • Posts: 1Verified User
    edited September 2019

    Same issue here this weekend.

    • Tried restarting computer first. Still stuck in loading...
    • Tried uninstalling, and installing latest version from Still stuck in loading...

    Unable to flash ECU during a race weekend for the 2nd time this year.. due to server issues? Extremely frustrating...

    No problems with internet connection, and no other programs running in the background (dedicated PC).

  • Posts: 3Verified User

    Thank you Kent, but I have worked with computers/networks and have written software for about 20 years. It's not a background app issue.

    What is the destination IP and port for the tuning suite ?

  • Posts: 3Verified User

    Disregard. No changes on my end, but it's now loading

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User


  • Posts: 2Verified User

    Mine is doing the same. I emailed the sales group. Uninstalled/reinstalled several times. Restarts. nothing helps. Very frustrating and if it doesnt work then I have a very expensive paperweight.

  • Posts: 11Verified User

    Yeah, mine is doing the same. It started Sunday afternoon. I did the whole uninstall/reboot/download new software/reinstall thing.

    Please advise...

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    We have a server issue that we're currently working on. Sorry for the delay.

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    Server is back up.

  • Adam OranchakAdam Oranchak Posts: 6Verified User
    edited November 2019

    I'm getting this animated window that never ends. Note that I'm trying to look at my maps without being connected to the bike. Does that make a difference?

  • kento_ftecukento_ftecu Posts: 776Staff User

    It shouldn't make a difference, you can look at any saved files on your software. Try uninstalling the software, restarting your computer, and reinstalling the software.

  • Posts: 1Verified User

    Hello, I seem to be experiencing the same "loading..." screen when trying to look at my maps with/out my motorcycle connected. I've uninstalled (even removing from the registry) and reinstalled with no success in loading. Is there something else I can do to be able to use the program?

  • Adam OranchakAdam Oranchak Posts: 6Verified User

    I have to say, tuning at the track is virtually impossible because most tracks are far away for a good cell phone service. This is a big problem. It there a solution where a properly registered license holder can have a cached version of the software that updates later when Internet connectivity is better?

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