Stuck on "Requesting ECU ID"

in Bug Reports
I just tried flashing a costumers MT09 2017 and was not able to do so.
I prepared the file, connected the cable, everything is ok and recognised.
When I press write ECU, a pop up says to connect the ECU ON, so I turn on the power and plug the cable to the ecu, It then says "Requesting ECU ID" and won´t progress, it just stays there.
Normally it would take only a few seconds for the pop up to buy a new license.
Is maybe this a bug in the new software?
I tried in my pc running W7 and then on a laptop with W10, same problem.
I just tried the same thing without the ECU plugged in, the same result...
Try having the ECU and power already connected before you start. When the prompt says to turn on the power, click OK.
If that fails, go to Help>Test Interface>Inputs with both power on and power off, post screenshots of both tests.
I Still haven´t tested the interface, but I read on another topic that there was a bug preventing the prompt that asks you to purchase a license..
Do you confirm it´s solved in the lastest software?
It should be, yes.