2018 R1 Check Engine Light followed by error code (unable use Ftecu Active tune AFR)

HI all
Have 2018 R1 (Ftecu Bike side Harness),
with Graves Cat Eliminator Exhaust Valve Type-R Exhaust,
(have received the Map Specific for the above exhaust from Graves)
and flashed the same to the ECU with Ftecu Tuning suite and used for a while.
Got myself a Ftecu Active tune AFR (and i have activated it using License Key),
with the Ftecu Tuning Suite Enabled it (Active Tune AFR) under the same earlier Map (sent by graves) and flashed it to the ECU
there is "Check Engine Light" flashing after starting the bike,
hence reconnected the harness and Ran the "Diagnostic" under "Device" in Ftecu Tuning Suite
and got "FAIL" readings for these three Codes
how to Rectify this with the Active tune AFR working properly and make the bike run smoothly.
Usually this would already be done in a prepared tune but you will need to disable the codes with a FAIL status and rewrite the to the ECU.
In the diagnostic manager simply uncheck the codes you wish to disable then resave and rewrite.
i agree by simply doing a uncheck of the codes and resaving and flashing again will cancel the "check engine light"
will the "Ftecu Activetune AFR" work in the background,
since the codes that are flashing seems to be realted to O2 sensor stuff,
how will these many codes flashing effect the general life of the engine.
ActiveTune will run and correct in real time provided
1) ActiveTune is enabled in the file
2) Self checks pass
3) Live Correction mode is enabled
The codes simply mean that the sensor is out of its expected range, which is normal considering the stock O2 is a narrow band sensor and expects a narrow-band signal whereas our sensor is wide-band.
You will be able to view live corrections and learned trims even on a graves map to make sure everything is functioning correctly you just wont be able to save the trims back to your base fuel maps.
so will reflash graves the map from the beginning with ActiveTune along with live correction enabled and the error codes unchecked
will check wether it takes reading properly