Activiation code not working for QS/Autoblippler

I'm trying to use the code that was given on the activation card for the quick shifter/Autoblipper. Keep getting a messsage that it's not valid. Please help
I'm trying to use the code that was given on the activation card for the quick shifter/Autoblipper. Keep getting a messsage that it's not valid. Please help
I keep.getting same.problem.. Don't know.if its.0 zero..shows.the.dvice..say activion. Code..i.put it in not valid go ahead and email a picture of the activation code to and I can look into this for you
That is on top of hard fall my tune keeps.saying bought this from graves .7 months.ago .can't get or quick shifter. .after spending 900. Could of bought Rae ecu. r1m I sent you an email so I can try and help you get this figured out.
Thank u cause I spent lot time trying everything from zero to 0 how am I supposed to no that but keep try