Support Forum

2024 mt07 ECU not readable Posts: 2Verified User

I get this message when trying to read the ECU

Failed to connect to ECU.

This ECU type is not natively readable.

Be aware that read attempts will fail with this ECU type unless this ecu has already been flashed with your account.

Not sure what to do here. Ive triple checked all connections. everything seems fine. my ECU is BAT-8591A-A0



  • Posts: 102Staff User

    That is a normal message. When we finally resolve your issue of not being able to write the file, you will then be able to read without getting this message.

  • steve-osteve-o Posts: 3Verified User

    I tried this before flashing a file and got the same message you have to flash it first before will read it, kind of scary 1st time.

    guess it unlocks the ecu to be read not had any issues since flashing but mine a 2021

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