license is owned by me but its not recognizing when I try to flash

in R3
It shows all my licensed ecu 's but when I try to write the ecu it says its owned by a different user which is me , what is the problem ?
Join the club, going on day 5 of trying to get this ECU re-flashed on my Race bike and still unable to get it to work. Can't get a hold of anyone by phone at FT, seems like FT support on here is selectively responding to post, even though there are a half as many FT reps on the forums right now as normal people. Starting to get pretty frustrating when I need to get this bike put back together for testing before the next race round.
Is it the same account you are using? Same license number?
Sorry for the delays, but we've been busy trying to get the server working correctly. Hoping that your tuner can get the account transferred back to you asap.
Is there a way to track what licenses are transferred between accounts on the corporate end? I know it’s not tracked in my personal account but wasn’t sure if that could be seen on your end.
Thanks for the help on the phone today, will no by tomorrow what’s up with my tuner, I talked to him tonight
Yes, license transfers are logged, but that's an admin back-end deal that would take a little time to dig up. The main aspect of the matter is that the license to that ECU is still in his name and needs to be transferred over to you.