Hardfail - "No Response - Write attempt failed. Please retry."

Since today I'd encountered this error on multiple bikes! Maybe the problem is my FTLink cable or anything else?
Could you help me? cause I'M HALTED!
Since today I'd encountered this error on multiple bikes! Maybe the problem is my FTLink cable or anything else?
Could you help me? cause I'M HALTED!
I'd performed the usual hardware test and every pin is working. Any ideas?
Anyone could help me about this invasive issue? I'm UNABLE to work.
No anyone has replied me but, same as I had supposed, a solder fail on FTLINK harness on green cable has caused the issue.
Notice: On 2 different licensed bike i'd tried the hardware test by jumping red+orange, red+yellow and the test FAIL, but THE FILE WRITING PROCESS DONE SUCCESSFULLY!
I think which that test IS NOT APPLICABLE on PN DENSO 21175-0109 !!
What year bike are you working on and what is the part number of that harness?
Where I find the part harness?? Could not you recognize it by the photo? It's the "bike side harness for kawasaki Type7"