Did not receive free license after purchasing yxz bench flashing.

in YXZ 1000R
I just purchased the yxz bench flashing kit for ecu and transmission. It didn't come with a code for 1 free license like it said in the description. Am I missing or will it activate when I try flashing for the first time. Haven't tried to yet, but am wondering. Exhaust comes tomorrow, so Id like to flash so I can ride.
The bench flashing kits do not come with any codes. The USB comes with one free license you would need to register it to your account first and it will automatically be added.
To register the USB first download the tuning suite. Then log in using the same exact log-in as on the website. Make sure it is exact and there are no spaces before or after the e-mail. Once you are logged in plug in the USB. It should then pull up a prompt for one time registration. Click yes, it is now registered to your account and the license will be readily available. Keep in mind for the kit you purchased an additional ECU license will be required since you will be flashing 2 ECUs (Fuel Injection and Transmission).