Only 5th gear speed limiter is activated by Japanese spec ECU.

in FZ / MT 07
I tried changing gear positions, etc. I can't think of any way to improve on the original data.
Could you please elaborate more on what is going on? Are you saying the rev limiter only works in 5th gear?
Hello. This is about the speed limiter symptom only in 5th gear that I sent before. (9200rpm.180km / h) It is happening not only on BU2-8591A-10 but also on 1WS-8591A-10. It is highly likely that At Sodegaura Circuit, I have to shift up to 6th gear and downshift immediately to hit the speed limiter, even though it is faster to complete. I think the ignition rpm also serves as a speed limiter for 6th gear and is not applied to 5th gear. I would very much appreciate your. help.
The rev limiters cut fuel across the board from 10450rpm and up. It then begins to cut ignition ignition at 12950. It should not cut out on 5th gear earlier than the others. It is mainly to prevent the engine over revving to keep from damage. I am not sure about speed limiter for your bike. Have you had the bike on a dyno to test it as well?
This data is from a vehicle in which this condition was confirmed. This is the measured curve in 5th gear. Normal speed display is blue line. The red line is the custom speed display halved. (Actual measurement 180km / h, meter display 90km) / h) Clearly, the symptom of the speed limiter is around 9000 rpm, and it will not turn any further.
It does not appear on my bike. See video. I got a chance to see the BU2-8591A-10 vehicle in person, so I will check the symptoms and see if the ECU can handle it. I will take a video if possible .. This is a video of one of the units in question. I will see this vehicle in person. The data for the vehicle in question is as initially presented. I have tried changing everything, including the fuel mixture, ignition timing, and removing all OBD2 checks, with no improvement. BU2-8591A-10 License: # 86A290B3 Can anything else be done? Can I create a separate speed limiter entry in the original ECU data? In Japan, the speed limiter is 180km / h.
Fuel cut and ignition timing cut changes are effective up to 4th gear. 5th and 6th gears stop at 8750-9000 rpm. The OBD2 display shows no abnormal values. Speed limiter? Individual rev limiter? We are unable to determine here.
I understand what you mean now. I believe it is most likely as you mentioned, that bike/specific ECU for JP is limited to 180km/h which is why it only cuts out in 5 and 6th when it reaches those speeds. If it was rev limiters you would not be able to go past the 8500RPM range in gears 1-4 either. You mentioned it is happening on the 1WS-8591A-10 as well. I am assuming the bike you have that was fine is a -50 ECU? Can you confirm?
My bike is 1WS-8591A-10 (MT07 2014). The bikes in question are the BU2-8591A-10 (MT07 2019) and the 1WS-8591A-10. I think there was a problem with the initial rewriting. I've rewritten a lot of bikes, but only two have speed limiters.
License: # 86A290B3 I would like to try overwriting this after resetting the license. thank you.
Since your bike which is not limited, and one of the limited bikes share the same ECU part number, have you tried swapping the ECU and seeing if it is still limited? Have you tried reading out the file from your bike and flashing it into the limited bikes ECU? You may be able to verify that it is not mechanical by using your ECU in the other bike. Then if need be, flashing the file read from your ECU to the limited ECU. Have you also tried to see if the limited bike remains limited with the stock file as well?
Other ECUs cannot be used with the immobilizer. ECUs registered as immobilizers cannot even be tried without transplanting various parts such as tank caps. I tried all unlimited files and regular files. At present, it seems that there was a problem with the first complete rewrite. We have determined that overwriting by license reset is necessary. If you do not try this, you will not be able to determine whether you need to acquire a new ECU.
It was a misunderstanding of the translation. After reading, if you write with the harness connected, you can overwrite with a new license! Overwritten unlimited files. The fuel and ignition timing limiters after reading were the values as written. I will report the result at a later date. The image could not be uploaded even if the extension was matched. I will send the image directly by email.
It does not change even if the license change is overwritten. Eventually there seems to be a problem with the bike. Even if I checked it directly, there were no errors related to the sensor. It will take a tremendous amount of time to resolve. Is it possible to reset only the original license side?
has passed. The 6-speed limiter disappeared when the ECU was overwritten due to a license change. 5th speed is 9000rpm and there is no change. The speed pulse was working normally. I'm also looking at other sensors.
That is some progress. So 5th is still limited on this one and on the other one 5th and 6th?
Currently, only 5th speed is a limiter at 9000rpm. 6th gear rotates up to the set 10450 rpm.
Please read out the file and send it to me. I will see if I can have development check it out as well to make sure it is good. As you mentioned only the 2 are having the issue with different files so it seems unlikely that it would be the file. Still I would like to try and have them take a look at it if they have the time.
I sent the file. We are checking if there are any other bikes that have a limiter. thank you.
XSR700 BU2-8591A-10 (JP) This bike also has a 5-speed 9000rpm limiter. The sensor and switch were normal. The read data has been sent. We are investigating the differences between other bikes and accessories.
BU2-8591A-10. License: # 86A290B3 → # ECF23379 I transferred the license to # ECF23379 and asked them to write it additionally, but the 5-speed 9000rpm did not change. I gave up because the bike will be changed. Can't reset license # 86A290B3? I will investigate with other bikes.
Ok sounds good. I will see what we can do for you in regards to the license as we are unable to reset confirmed licenses. Also we will try to find out as soon as we can about the limiter.
1XB-8591A-10 (JP) ← Applicable car 5 speed 9000rpm After rewriting with 1XB-8591A-00 (THI), the limiter disappeared. Until the report.
Is everything working fine with the 1XB-8591A-00(THI) ?
1XB-8591A-10 (JP) → 1XB-8591A-00 (THI) It is operating normally. I think it works smoothly because the fuel can be adjusted more finely.
That's great to hear, something must have happened during the initial ECU write.
Glad that has been resolved.
Hi, are you saying that the ECU was 1XB-8591A-10 (JP) but it got fixed after writing 1XB-8591A-00 (THI) instead? I thought they said specifically to use the correct code to write the image, Im also having some power issues in my bike with no other symptom and I'm getting desperate to find the solution.
If the wiring relationship between injection and ignition is the same, there will be no problem because the engine is the same. JP EU THI has the same ECU wiring. Regarding BU2, Volt- seems to have an effect. I am trying to change this.
BU2-8591A-10(JP) 5-speed 9000RPM limiter 1WS-8591A-10 etc. I copied Volt-Dwel and used it, but it seems to be improved. It seems to be related to the supply voltage of each part by the battery. There are many symptoms in vehicles equipped with additional USB devices.