Auto Blipper don't work on my 2017 MT10

in FZ / MT 10
Hi , followed the instruction to intall the auto blipper quickshifter kit, and ensable the auto bliper on bench
it's work ok on upshift ,but downshift no blip, any other way can go wrong?
My ECU is B67-8591A-00
Can you send me pictures of your install please?
Also what account are you flashing with?
My bike run the gp shifter,and done with smog block off plates
The first ,I had test the shift sensor signal output up and down are all right , and adjusted the connect rod make sure up and down shiftting on the same pressure on sensor
The second problems, I have that I bought the wrong of auto blipper kit,it's for FZ10, not for MT10, the plug is square no the round one,
It's okay I had modified it to round one and plug in the pin 12 of the smail row coupler
(I was concerned it's possible the resistance of the plug is different , make the signal too weak?cus I joined the round plug and green wire by solder)
I did tried to write it back to stock mapping ,enable the auto blipper, not working still
And Wrote it back to the unrestricted mapping, auto blip not working still
Let me know what either I can do? I alread done what I can do! These are hardware issue or software issue?
The worst part I'm not on state, and took me so much time to keep trying, not really happy at all...
Did you put the wire you took out from the larger 3 row connector back in? Also since you are in GP shift have you swapped the QS sensor connectors as well?
Since I modified put in small 4 row connector didn't work,I had tried plug in the pin 2 of larger 4 row connector (The FZ10 style),but the fuel pump didn't work when ignition on
I did tried swapping the QS sesnor connectors when the auto blip didn't work on the way I took for test ride(No up quicklshift and no blipping after swapping)
I checked around the hardware,any chance I did wrong
And now I put it back in small 4 row connector(the MT10 style) , I still wait for good news from you
Does the pin you put in match exactly? And Auto Blip is enabled for certain?
You may need a new AB harness.
You give me a light,I almost give up
I zoom in the graphic of the MT10 auto blipping kit
Finailly,I got the answer,the ab harnesses are different between MT&FZ, not just different on the green wire of auto blipping
A little tough up the FZ type of harness,it was a long journey of try and error,it blipped eventually😭
Glad you were able to work something out.